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Machu Picchu and Galapagos

Machu Picchu Picchu and Galapagos, two fabulous destinations that you can not miss. A great experience full of nature, adventure and history.

Machu Picchu, in Quechua means Old Mountain; it was built on a mountain above the Urubamba Valley in Peru at 2,400 meters above sea level.

It is located about 80 km northwest of Cuzco, which was the capital of the Inca Empire.

The weather is hot and humid during the day and cool at night. The temperature ranges between 12 and 24 degrees Celsius. The area is generally rainy (about 1955 mm per year), especially between November and March. The rains, which are heavy, rapidly alternate with moments of intense sunshine.

The built-up area in Machu Picchu is 530 meters long by 200 meters wide and includes at least 172 campuses. The complex is clearly divided into two main areas: the agricultural zone, formed by sets of agricultural terraces, which lies south and urban areas, that is, of course, the one where the occupants lived and where some of the main civil and religious activities were realized. Both zones are separated by a wall, a moat and a staircase, elements that run parallel to the slope east of the mountain.

The Incas began its construction in the mid-fifteenth century probably under Pachacutec Inca government in order to serve as a resting place and a sanctuary, but was abandoned about a hundred years later after the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire in 1532.

The Incas carved and polished stone blocks so that fit with precision without using mortar, transported to the city of stone blocks required building without using the wheel. They developed an ingenious system of canals that allowed Supplied water to keep the city.

The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu is recognized not only for its beauty but also for the mysteries and enigmas that it contains. Since it was unveiled to the Western world in 1911 through the work of the American explorer Hiram Bingham to this day, there are more questions asked about this construction that the certainties that are on it, issues from its own discovery or his real name, to its usefulness and how it was built.

Machu Picchu is considered a masterpiece of architecture and engineering. Its unique architectural and landscape features, and the veil of mystery that has woven around much of the literature published on the site, they have become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

The Galapagos Islands contain numerous endemic species that is why they are famous and also by the studies of Charles Darwin. The flora and fauna found there are almost unique and it can not be found anywhere else in the world. So many people visit and enjoys meeting the unique animals and plants.

The Galapagos Islands consists of 13 large islands, located in the Pacific Ocean 972 km off the coast of Ecuador. It has an area greater than 10km2, 5 medium islands with an area of 1km2 to 10km2 and 215 other small islands of rocky promontories besides few square meters distributed around the line of Ecuador Earth.

The temperature of the ocean surface varies between 7 and 28 degrees Celsius. From January to March is considered the hot and wet season, March is the hottest month of the year, during this season you will find abound plants and also is perfect for snorkeling due to the temperature. Through July to September rains are fewer and islands are drier but cooler, the water temperature drops, but it is the most ideal time to observe aquatic life. This is the best time to visit the Galapagos Islands.

The fauna is of great scientific importance: almost all birds are endemic, exclusively of this place and reptile species classified. Many other species have survived because of its adaptation, such as marine iguanas, like the ground ones, reaching a meter or more in length, exceeding that of any other place. And besides, this archipelago is the only place in the world where there are still giant tortoises.

In 1979 UNESCO declared the Galapagos Islands as Natural Heritage of Humanity and six years later, as a Biosphere Reserve, which has resulted in a growing international interest in this archipelago. In 2007 UNESCO declared the Galapagos as a World Heritage Site in environmental risk and was included on the List of World Heritage in danger until 2010.

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