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Nazca information

Nazca, the desert and the sea

This city is an obligated stop at your destination when you arrive to Perú, is a very pretty city, its small but sure enough you want to come back again.
Located at the south of the country, is one of the cities that is beginning to develop his touristic attractions, since the earthquake occurred in July of 2007, devastating the whole city, and leaving to misery to all his people. But the people never give up, and start to build some of his main attractions.


Pre-Spanish Times

Nazca Culture

Emerged in the 300 b.d to 600 a.d, has a strong influence for the Paracas and Wari culture, leaving on his legacy many of his customaries. For the side of Wari, adopted the practice of pottery, making an unique style, like the called fear to the void, when all his pottery were painted, not leaving a single space without color, represented most of all his believes and creeds, like the God KON, who was a very important deity for the Nazca people.
They took from the Paracas culture many of his rituals, like the heads trophy, where they cut off the heads of his prisoners in tribute to his Gods; also they practiced the surgery, putting metal plaques on the heads of the patients to avoid any blood spill.
Also are very important his textile, very colorful and full of iconography, making reference to transcend to the beyond-life, they thought that after the dead there were another life waiting for them.
The Nazca lines is an truly work of engineering, many Archeologist studied the lines and reaching to the conclusion that this lines were a big and precise agricultural calendar, and every drawing represent a time of the year where they can sow and control the time of every harvest.
Draws like the monkey, the spider, the hummingbird and many geometric lines, keep fascinating to the people throughout the centuries, even is one of the obsessions for the Ufologist, who think that this lines were made by aliens, because they only can see from the sky.

Colonial times

From his foundation, the city of Nazca have a privileged place among the Spanish conquers, because in this lands the grape, who is used for the fabrication of wine and a drink called Aguardiente, grows very good, making good profits of it.
The cotton fields were another type of incomes, where the African slaves worked the fields at a low price, and sometimes with no pay at all.
Many of the ranches established were property of the religious orders, which had the controls of the slaves, who were catechized. One of the important orders was the Jesuits, who were the most important presences in this city, until his exile on 1767, when the Spanish Crown took away all his belongings.

Republican times

The Nazca town was created on August 29 of 1821, almost a month later of the independence of Perú, where operate many sugar refineries, controlling by a corsair called Hipólito Bouchard, who was murderer by a mob of African slaves.
On modern times, the city of Nazca becomes one of the places to have more visits from the tourist, who were enchanted by the things that offer the city.


Since Nazca is located near to the desert, the weather is dry and sunny, has a little rains, known as the city of the eternal summer. His weather is opportune to do some sports like kayaking, sand board and many others.

¿How to get to Nazca?

By bus

You can take a bus on the south highway, the trip last almost 7 hours, making a stop on the Ica town, and after that you can take another bus that leads you to the Nazca city itself.

By plane

Given that have an airport that makes voyages through the Nazca lines, the airport is small and the trip last around 45-1 hour approximately.

Main attractions

Huacachina Lagoon

Is a beautiful place so you can rest and enjoy the good time that you having, his resemblance of an oasis is what makes this places a very and pleasant destination, surrounding by palm trees and sand, is perfect for your days of vacations.
This lagoon has, according to the local people, waters that heals every pain or disorder, and is a place where many of the called Shamans practice his ceremonies and rituals.

Nazca Lines

This is an obligated stop at your trip, you can missed that. The stunning lines were a very work of the ancient people, lasting for almost 800 years, even the place where they were draw, has a strong wind, they keep resisting through the time. More Information >>>

Cahuachi Pyramid

Is a complex where 2 truncate pyramids that were the center of the ancient Nazca culture, and a place where they make human sacrifice and offers blood to his deities.

Ballestas Islands

This is one of the main attractions that approach you with the marine nature; the rocky formation is a very good way to see that Nature is wise. The sea life is so beautiful and a good way to bring your children and the whole family to this experience.


The presence of the African slaves made a strong influence on the cuisine, dishes like tamales, made of corn wrapped on banana leafs is the most common food that you can enjoy, also the Bofe, wich is the cows lung, served with rice and potatoes , is also a slave influence.
You can find many places where the Chinese presence makes a good and tasty food, dishes like arroz chaufa, wich is a variation of the Chifan, is a national dish in the entire country.

Nightlife in Nazca

The beaches and the Huacachina lagoon itself is one the most common places so you can enjoy and maybe have a few drinks, also the discotheques and peñas are a very good point so you can have some fun.

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