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Chiclayo information

Chiclayo and the lord of Sipán Chiclayo is a city located at the northeast of Perú, capital of the Lambayeque department, is the fourth city with more habitants, with over 583.159 habitants. Origin of the name There are a lot of versions about the origin of the name, one of them is the name of […]

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Pikillaqta Ruins

Pikillaqta, the flea town. Located on the Quispicanchis Province, with an altitude of 3350 meters above the sea level, is an archaeological site with many structures that were used for almost 2000 years The name of the city comes from 2 Quechua words, Piki, which means flea, and llaqta, which means town, although this is […]

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Phuyupatamarca, the place of the clouds. Located at an altitude of 3670 meters above the sea level Phuyupatamarca, is a place that took your breath away because of the amazing view that you’re watching. Like many Inca sites, this is not the exception that combined balance between nature and the environment, a classical and traditional […]

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Inti Raymi Information

Inti Raymi, the celebration of the Sun Celebrating the rise of the sun is one of the most ancient rituals in this territory and all around the world, since the dawn of humanity, people has had a fascinating interest in the sun, many empires have been built around this great star. Perú is not the […]

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Machu Picchu Facts

So, you’re interested in learning some interesting details and historical morsels about Peru’s most famous archaeological site? Machu Picchu facts can help you prepare for your visit and enhance your understanding of its significance while you’re there! Get the facts with answers to these questions: Where is Machu Picchu is located in Peru? What is […]

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Peru Culture

Peru Culture is formed by its people, festivals, music, architecture, and cuisine, literature including customs, codes, standards, lifestyles and traditions in society. Peru Culture was formed by the kinship between the Amerindian and Hispanic cultures. Peruvian people is formed by different races for example mestizo (most people of Peruvians) which is an admixture of Amerindians […]

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Lima Information

Lima Lima, the three times crowned city 1535, Few Spanish conquers arrive to a dry but abundant territory known as Lima, name that comes from the deformation of the word Ràmac, which means talker and also is the name of the main river that cross trough that place. 2012, almost 480 years later, Lima is […]

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The archaeological complexes of Moray are Platforms made to experiment the changes of the weather, since that in this place they were created micro-climes that are good for the products that are the base of the Inca everyday food. This complex is located 7km from the Maras’s community, in the Inca sacred valley, to 38km […]

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The temple of the Sun

Only priests and other high ranking Incas were likely only permitted access into the Temple of the Sun, one of the most sacred temples in all of Machu Picchu. Adapted to the natural environment, the unique semi-circular construction of the temple is built over an enormous granite rock and there’s a tower with a trapezoidal […]

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