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Machu Picchu Ruins

All Ruins of Machu Picchu Sacred places for pilgrimage, ancient silent stones that last forever, enormous constructions to worshiped their main gods and deities, the Machu Picchu Ruins are one of the main attractions of Cusco and of course Machu Picchu, with over 20 constructions that remain almost intact by the pass of the time, […]

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  Choquequirao, the Golden cradle, This place is considered the Twin of Machu Picchu, for the resemblance that they have each other, similar architecture and structural, is another of the destinations of the Machu Picchu road. Is located between the Salcantay snowcapped, to the north of the Apurímac River, on the province of Anta, in […]

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Phuyupatamarca, the place of the clouds. Located at an altitude of 3670 meters above the sea level Phuyupatamarca, is a place that took your breath away because of the amazing view that you’re watching. Like many Inca sites, this is not the exception that combined balance between nature and the environment, a classical and traditional […]

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Pikillaqta Ruins

Pikillaqta, the flea town. Located on the Quispicanchis Province, with an altitude of 3350 meters above the sea level, is an archaeological site with many structures that were used for almost 2000 years The name of the city comes from 2 Quechua words, Piki, which means flea, and llaqta, which means town, although this is […]

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The temple of the Sun

Only priests and other high ranking Incas were likely only permitted access into the Temple of the Sun, one of the most sacred temples in all of Machu Picchu. Adapted to the natural environment, the unique semi-circular construction of the temple is built over an enormous granite rock and there’s a tower with a trapezoidal […]

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The archaeological complexes of Moray are Platforms made to experiment the changes of the weather, since that in this place they were created micro-climes that are good for the products that are the base of the Inca everyday food. This complex is located 7km from the Maras’s community, in the Inca sacred valley, to 38km […]

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  Kenko, the ancient maze, Kenko or Kenqo, located at 3800 meters above the sea level is a huge rocky complex, that resembled to a big maze, for his zigzagging structures, is composed for 2 places, Kenko Grande (big), where there are the following stages: The amphitheater It was a temple to celebrate public rituals, […]

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