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Tour Machu Picchu

In the city of Cusco there are many touristic places, but it is essential that you take the time to do tourism in the right way and avoiding to rush your vacation.
If you have been planning to know about Peru don’t forget to add CUSCO to your list, a citadel with a cultural legacy from immemorial times, according to the people who visited Cusco.
Cusco it characterized by mysticism, magic and more. So plan your trip ahead of time with us!

The most visited places to visit are:
Koricancha: The most important temple of the Tahuantinsuyo which means in Quechua “Temple of the Sun”, a beautiful sacred temple that was built under the order of Pachacutec after his victory over The Chancas on 1438.

Before the construction of this monument, Incas used to worship the sun in a little temple called Inticancha, constructed by Manco Capac. Itìs important to know that this temple includes some rooms destined to worship other gods as Wiracocha, Illapa o Mama Quilla.
THE INKA TRAIL is the famous trekking route of Peru and maybe in the whole America Continent. Every year a thousand of hikers visit this route to feel the extraordinary sensation and be amazed with the incredible route made by the Incas.

The Inca Trail or in Quechua Capac an is a communication lane that extended all the way through the entire Empire and had a distance approximately of 50000 km. All the roads are connected with the Empire Capital Cusco. At first before the Inca Empire , Capac an had a limited access because it was used only by the population of some cultures like Wari and Tiahuanaco, but when the Incas arrived the route was expanded to a great extent. This route was used for the invasion of the other civilization and taking control of the Entire Empire’s organization.

The Sacred Valley of the Incas or Urubamba Valley: Is a valley in the Andes of Peru, close to the Inca capital of Cusco and below the ancient sacred city of Machu Picchu. It is a fertile area, occupied by the Incas long time ago. Ruins are visible in the entire valley, with two important places like Pisac and Ollantaytambo. The Sacred Valley is a home for many tiny villages.
The Urubamba River is located in the Andes, south side of Peru, to the south east of Cusco, also it’s called Vilcanota. In the lower part it’s called High Urubamba near Machu Picchu, Santa Teresa, Quillabamba and Echarate. This section is perfect for one day, with class II, III and III+ rapids. Beautiful landscape, enormous eucalyptus trees and flowers. The rafting season is all year long ,being from December to March the river is class IV.

Chuquicahuana: A river of class III located at the south of Cusco.(one hour and a half). The rapids in this river are constantly class III and IV for about 11km.

Tipon Ruins: Located at the east of Cusco near to Oropesa in the community of Choquepeda, is an Inca ruin which has enclosures, terraces and an intact canal.

The highest part of this complex is crossed by the Inca trail with an irrigation canal. These ruins may have been a park for the highest class or an agriculture centrum. Also it’s considerated one of the 16 most important archaeological tours for tourist who visits this area.

Oropesa: It’s one of the twelve districts of the Quispicanchi province, located in the department of Cusco.


Selection Machu Picchu travel programs, please make a choice

Program Duration Highlights
CUSCO ADVENTURE BUDGET 8 DAYS 8 Days and 7 Nights Cusco, Inca Trail hike up to Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley, Rafting
CUSCO ADVENTURE BUDGET 8 DAYS 8 Days and 7 Nights Cusco, Inca Trail hike up to Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley, Rafting
RAFTING IN URUBAMBA RIVER 2 DAYS (private service) 2 Days and 1 Nights Cusco, Rafting in Urubamba River, Camping, Chuquicahuana
HORSEBACK RIDING TO TIPON HALF DAY  Half Day Full day horseback riding to Tipon ruins. Oropesa, Cusco
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